SEAMS school 2017 "Complex analysis and geometry"

Đăng bởi   Lượt xem:  13394 


  • Ta Thi Hoai An (Hanoi Institute of Mathematic-VAST, Vietnam)

  • Le Giang (Department of Mathematics-Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam)

Supported by:

  • Hanoi Institute of Mathematics – Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)

  • Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA)

  • South-East Asia Mathematical Society (SEAMS)


  • Lu Hoang Chinh (France)
  • Hervé Gaussier (France)
  • Le Giang (Vietnam)
  • Shin-ichi Matsumura (Japan)
  • Do Hoang Son (Vietnam)
  • Ahmed Zeriahi (France)

Registration: open for all undergraduate and graduate students
Deadline: March 10, 2017
Selection announcement will be made in the end of March 2017

Center for post-graduate training, Institute of Mathematics
Email: and


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